Author Archives: Christ Church
Palm Sunday Service Sheet – April 5, 2020
This Service Sheet contains within it The Liturgy of the Palms, and The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew. Please consider joining Father Burgess in an Act of Spiritual Communion as he offers the Mass on behalf of the living and the repose of the departed this Sunday at 10:00 AM.
As a reminder, in accordance with the Diocese of New Jersey health and safety restrictions, all public worship services are suspended through April 30th.
Food Pantry Needs Your Help
Due to restrictions concerning the number of items we are able to buy at one time, the Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries Food Pantry could use some help with these five items. If you happen to have any of these items, or are able to purchase them, can you please drop them off at the door of the food pantry…no need to come in.
March April Parish Letter
Watch us in action! Learn more about our activities, our people, our mission, and our faith.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – March 29, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
PLEASE NOTE: Services and activities listed in the announcements section of this sheet are subject to whether the current health and safety restrictions on public gatherings are lifted by the dates mentioned.
An Opportunity for Prayer
Dear Beloved of Christ:
Our Prayer Book invites many opportunities for us to be about the ministry of prayer, both corporately as well as individually. In addition to the Daily Offices, there are litanies that invites our intercession on behalf of many various concerns. Please consider reading privately or in community with your family The Great Litany as found on page 148 of the Prayer Book. Note how this articulation of the Church is appropriate . . . after the Collects of Morning or Evening Prayer; or separately; especially in Lent and on Rogation Days (BCP pg. 148).
The other rarely utilized treasure of our prayer book is The Supplication as found on page 154. This, too, can be used as a separate devotion; especially in times of war, or of national anxiety, or of disaster.
You remain within my prayer of intercession and thanksgiving before the altar of Christ Church.
Fr. Burgess
Annunciation Invitation – March 25, 2020 – 10:00 AM
The Annunciation of our Lord Jesus Christ
the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wednesday, March 25th
Holy Eucharist 10:00 AM
You are invited to make An Act of Spiritual Communion during this time of mandatory isolation from public worship. Please join Fr. Burgess spiritually as he offers the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar on our behalf, on behalf of the Church Christ came to redeem, and for the repose of the departed.
The Collect of the Day:
We beseech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts, that we who have known the incarnation of thy Son Jesus Christ, announced by an angel to the Virgin Mary, may by his cross and passion be brought unto the glory of his resurrection; who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
The Propers of the Day:
- Old Testament Lesson – Isaiah 7:10-14
- Psalm 40: 1-11 (BCP pg. 640) or Canticle 3 (BCP pg. 50)
- The New Testament Lesson – Hebrews 10:5-10
- The Gospel – Luke 1:26-38
If you are kept from this Act of Spiritual Communion during the appointed time, please consider reading the Lessons and offering the Collect of the Day prior to your family prayer when gathering for the evening meal.
The following is a short introduction as found in Lesser Feasts and Fasts * 1997.
Today’s feast commemorates how God made known to a young Jewish woman that she was to be the mother of his Son, and how Mary accepted her vocation with perfect conformity of will. It has been said, “God made us without us, and redeemed us without us, but cannot save us without us.” Mary’s assent to Gabriel’s message opened the way for God to accomplish the salvation of the world. It is for this reason that all generations are to call her “blessed.”
The Annunciation has been a major theme in Christian art, in both East and West. Innumerable sermons and poems have been composed about it. The term coined by Cyril of Jerusalem for the Blessed Virgin, Theotokos (“the God-bearer”), was affirmed by the General Council of Ephesus in 451.
Mary’s self-offering in response to God’s call has been compared to that of Abraham, the father of believers. Just as Abraham was called to be the father of the chosen people, and accepted his call, so Mary w as called to be the mother of the faithful, the new Israel. She is God’s human agent in the mystery of the Incarnation. Her response to the angel, “Let it be to me according to your word,” is identical with the faith expressed in the prayer that Jesus taught, “Your will be done on earth as in heaven.” Gerard Manley Hopkins, comparing Mary to the air we breathe, writes:
Wild air, world-mothering air . . .
Of her flesh he took flesh:
He does take fresh and fresh,
Though much the mystery how,
Not flesh but spirit now,
And makes, O marvellous!
New Nazareths in us,
Where she shall yet conceive
Him, morning, noon, and eve,
New Bethlems, and he born
There, evening, noon, and morn —
Our Weekly Service Sheet – March 22, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
PLEASE NOTE: Services and activities listed in the announcements section of this sheet are subject to whether the current health and safety restrictions on public gatherings are lifted by the dates mentioned.
Christ Church Worship Services Suspended Temporarily
Dear People of God:
Late on Friday, March 13th, we received a directive from Bishop William Stoke that “all churches in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey . . . suspend public worship services and all other non-essential public gatherings until further notice.”
View Bishop Stokes entire message
Following this directive in its entirety, there will be no public offering of the Mass at Christ Church until further notice. Fr. Burgess himself will offer the Mass for the welfare of the living and the repose of the departed this Sunday at 10:00 AM in the presence of Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven (BCP page 334). Please consider joining him by referencing the service sheet electronically with the collect, readings, prayers and even most of the hymnody.
View our weekly service sheet for March 16, 2020
“Until further notice,” this will include rehearsals, meetings of parish ministries and the 2020 Wednesday Lenten series. Please know that at the appropriate times, Father will be before the altar interceding on our behalf.
There is no exception to this directive.
Please help us get this message out to those who may not have access to email or our church website.
We will keep you posted.
Kate Baldwin, Senior Warden of the Vestry of Christ Church