Author Archives: Christ Church
Our Weekly Service Sheet – March 15, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – March 8, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – March 1, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Ash Wednesday Service Sheet – February 26, 2020
This is your source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass for Ash Wednesday each year at Christ Church.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – February 23, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – February 16, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – February 9, 2020
Sunday service sheets are now available online. This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
January February Parish Letter
Watch us in action! Learn more about our activities, our people, our mission, and our faith.
Lenten Series at Christ Church
2020 Lenten Series
The Five Wednesdays in Lent Beginning March 4th
The Vestry of Christ Church invites you and your family to join them for a five-week Lenten series of prayer, worship, fellowship and discovery. Learn how our corporate lives as the Baptized bring us closer to all that God desires for us as His Church.
Evening Prayer………………………….. 5:00 PM
Holy Eucharist…………………………… 5:30 PM
Soup Supper…………………………….. 6:10 PM
Lenten Series for Adults & Children …. 6:50 PM
Final Prayer and Dismissal…………….. 7:30 PM
Our children will be instructed in how to reverently remove the ornamentation from retired paschal candles as the means of learning more about Christian symbolism. Each candle will be melted down and poured into tea lamps that will be wrapped for distribution on Easter Day as a reach of Christ’s resurrected glory into our homes.
Please plan to be with us as you are able.
Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday
February 26, 2020
Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
at 10:00 AM
Choral Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
(w/incense) at 7:00 PM
Almighty and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for eve4r and ever. Amen.