Author Archives: Christ Church
Free Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 25th
Evening Prayer – 5:00 PM
Pancakes Served – 5:30 PM
The Acolytes Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper invites the participation of our entire community. Always looked forward to as an annual event, this is the perfect opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and coworkers to experience the hospitality of Christ Church in such a unique way.
This year’s mission reach will be in interest of collecting socks, winter gloves, blankets and packaged underwear for children (X-small, small, medium, large, and x-large, in sealed packages of 3 or 6). These items will be sorted, packed, and transported to the coal mining community of Dante, Virginia in the Fall of 2020 by our traveling mission team. All items donated will be displayed during a community dinner and given to families who could benefit from such an offering.
Please, no heavy winter jackets. The mission team must be concerned with bulk and what it is they can pack, store, transport, and display.
There is no cost to joining our acolytes for the best pancakes and sausage in all of South Jersey. We ask only that you assist us with this mission reach. An opportunity for a free-will donation will be made available at the door. Additional purchases will be made with those donations as the means of extending our mission reach as far into that community of Southwestern Virginia as possible.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – February 2, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – January 26, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – January 19, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – January 12, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Our Weekly Service Sheet – January 5, 2020
This is your weekly source for the components of the Episcopal Rite One Traditional Mass each week at Christ Church. These service sheets provide notices and announcements of interest to parishioners and the general public.
Christmas Day 10:00 AM Service at Christ Church
Please join us for Holy Eucharist with traditional carols at 10:00 AM
Christ Episcopal Church
62 Delaware Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
The December Parish Newsletter
Watch us in action! Learn more about our activities, our people, our mission, and our faith.
Christmas Eve 11:00 PM Midnight Mass at Christ Church
Please join us for Solemn Mass at Midnight (with incense) at 11:00 PM
Christ Episcopal Church
62 Delaware Street
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Christmas Eve 7:00 PM Service at Christ Church
Please join us for Choral Eucharist (with incense) at 7:00 PM
Nursery Available