Adult Online Bible Study

Join Christ Church in an 8-week Bible Study on St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, February 17-April 7 using Philippians, N. T. Wright for Everyone Study Guide. We will meet on Mondays at 8 PM over Zoom to explore together this scriptural invitation to joy in the midst of suffering as we prepare for Lent and Easter. You can access the Zoom meeting at this link:
For more information, reach out to Scott Carr,
If you have not used Zoom before, you can access the meeting by following these steps.
-Click on the meeting link above.
-On the Zoom homepage, click “Join from your browser” at the bottom of the screen in blue writing.
-Click “Allow” so that Zoom can use your device’s microphone and camera.
-Type your name.
-Click the blue button that says “Join”.