Governance & Vestry

The Vestry of Christ Church is legally responsible for all matters of finance, property and maintenance within the parish, either directly or through the appointment of committee Chairs.

Christ Church’s Vestry comprises the rector, who normally presides at all meetings, and twelve Christ Church parishioners, nine of whom are elected each year by the congregation and serve no more than two consecutive three-year terms.

Once Wardens are elected by the parish, the Vestry elects its Executive Committee immediately following the Annual Parish meeting each January. The Executive Committee and their duties are: Senior Warden, who generally assists the Rector in overseeing the mission of the parish; the Junior Warden, who takes charge of property and maintenance concerns; the Treasurer, who supervises all matters of finance; and the Clerk, who records the minutes of the meetings, maintains correspondence, and attests to Vestry business with application of the corporate seal.

Each member of Vestry also serves as Chair of one of the parish’s eight Vestry Commissions. Each Chair is responsible for the oversight for the following areas of our parish life.

The Buildings and Grounds Commission is in charge of the physical plant of the church. Its responsibility is to see that the church buildings and grounds are kept in good repair. Volunteers for the maintenance and upkeep of facilities are an integral part of this Commission.

The Communications Commission oversees the dissemination of information about parish activities to parishioners and members of the community through newsletter mailings, media announcements, website development, social media, and other forms of advertising.

The Evangelism Commission oversees all projects, events and activities that will encourage activity and membership within our parish. Evangelism is making the Presence and teaching of Christ known so that others may find and be found by Him. This commission encourages any activity of witness or action by the church or individuals that may bring someone into a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Hospitality Commission plans, promotes and oversees the social functions of our parish. This includes receptions, dinners, coffee hours, parish gatherings, and other opportunities for extending hospitality to others. Both informal and scheduled activities fall under this commission’s responsibility.

The Mission Commission concerns itself with both the seeking out of those who do not know Christ and the sending out of parishioners to carry out various kinds of Christian service in other parts of the Diocese, Province, Nation and the World.

The Outreach Commission is concerned primarily with the work of meeting human needs and alleviating suffering, whether close to home or far away. This commission explores the needs of the surrounding community, seeking ways that the parish can minister to it, both spiritually and materially. The Commission activities help increase awareness of and involvement in social concerns at the local, national and global level.

Our current Vestry officials are:

Senior Warden: Sarah Cranston

Junior Warden: Tara Mass

Treasurer: Mark Novalsky

Clerk: Gwen Simpson

Buildings and Grounds: David Hanson

Communications: Gwen Simpson

Evangelism: Doreen Mills

Hospitality: Sophie Seddon

Mission: Charles Lewis

Outreach: Tom Phrampus

Stewardship: Sherm Yeiter

Programs and Activities: Tori Wishnick


(Updated March 16, 2023)